Monday, February 18, 2008

The character in the man

I was thinking back over the last few years and some of the things that had gone on in our lives. My husband had had 6 different jobs in 4 years, all paying thousands less than our living expenses. When you are in the midst of those times it is hard to see what good could be coming from it. You find yourself wondering if Papa/God has gone on vacation. All sorts of things come to your mind. You begin to question and wonder what Papa could be doing.

I knew after several months that it wasn't about the jobs. But what was it about? Papa was revealing to David the truth about what kind of man he really was. It wasn't about the money or the job. It was about the man.

One job in particular that he had was with a water company. He thought it was going to be customer service and route sales,
with good pay. It ended up being delivery, carrying 80 pounds of water everyday, running at full speed to get finished. Though we had prayed fervently for a good route, he ended up with the third worst route in the company. Leaving at 6:00AM and getting home around 8:00PM was common. Exhausted he would walk in the door, hungry and weary, but never giving up. He is a man of perseverance.

When Papa removed him from that job he opened another job at a handyman company. It was the most bizarre thing. Though the owner knew he had very little experience but he begged him to come and work for the company, telling him they would train him. He began his training, doing a perfect job on one of his assignments. Two and 1/2 weeks later they let him go after changing owners. Papa was restoring a place inside David, allowing him to face the lies of failure and walk away from them. He had not failed. He had given all he had to give. It was his best. He is a man of integrity.

The next job Papa took him to was a season where he worked two jobs. One job was full-time in the daytime working in an upscale fast food restaurant, and the 2nd job was at night 2-3 nights a week at Starbucks. He worked long and hard to make sure we were taken care of. I tried to go to work to alleviate one of the jobs, but he was insistent that I stay home with the children. Faithfully he went to work each day, never complaining. He is a man of faithfulness.

During that season, one of the men from church came up to pray for him, during the response time after worship. Before he started to pray he looked him in the eye and said, "God wants you to know that you are an honorable man. You are an example to the men here. There are men who wouldn't do what you are doing for your family." David's eyes welled up with tears. He needed to hear that. The weariness that was over him dissipated in that moment. He was honoring his Papa. That's all that mattered, really. It does alot to a man to be seen for who they really are. He is a man of honor.

Papa dropped another job in his lap. This job was promising and brought an income that allowed him to quit his 2nd job. The owner of the company ended up not being a man of his word. Every week David would have to go and fight for his paycheck.
One week in particular he had to stand up an challenge the owner. In that season I saw the warrior in the man. He is a man of strength.

Papa moved him on to another job with a contracting company. The owner of the company put his 24 year old son as boss. I saw grace in David as he submitted himself to the authority of a cocky young man who talked down to him with disrespect. He is a man of humility.

The company they were contracting for offered to take him on in a fulltime position. He accepted. Now he is working for men who see his work and appreciate him. He walked the "season of the jobs" with faithfulness. He never gave up. He is a man of endurance.

I was thinking back over those years the other day, since we are now out of them. A sense of awe, honor and respect came over me I realized how much I had seen during those times. Something deeper had taken place in my heart besides the pruning Papa had done. I had seen my man through Papa's eyes. I, like my Papa, am proud of him.

How often through the years had I seen the nitpicky things that irritated me above the character of the man? Too many, I'm afraid. Too many times I had focused on what he wasn't doing instead of all that he was. Something changed for me in that
season of life. I began to see the character of my man.

So how about you? What do you seeing in your man?

Rom. 13:7(Amplified) Render to all men their dues. [Pay] taxes to whom taxes are due, revenue to whom revenue is due, respect to whom respect is due, and honor to whom honor is due.

With all my love, and gratitude for the man that you are, David, I honor you.


Kimberly said...

How beautiful, Julie! My husband is also such an honorable man. He works so hard so that I can stay at home with our girls. He is a blessing to my life and our girls! I need to be sure I let him know when he gets home how much I appreciate him. I know he needs to hear that more often! May the Lord richly bless our men and reveal to them how deeply they are loved by their "Papa"!


I was reading merriedays' blog and saw yours and had to drop by. What a blessing!

My husband married me when all 5 of my kids were adolescents. He stuck out those years, they were not always pleasant. Abba moved us across the country to a small town where we are the "transplants". He's been treated horribly at work, but he has walked in integrity and God has been transforming both of us.

Thanks so much for sharing. We women who have married steadfast men have much to be thankful for.


Julie thank you for the comments you left on my blog.

Yes, I live in Glennville, Georgia. It's very different from Los Angeles County California where I lived until 14.5 years ago. I was 50 when we had the new beginning. It's now time for another new one!

You live in the north part of the state, right?

You also have a beautiful heart. Jesus is in there BIG!

Laura said...

Julie, Thank you again for your sweet words. They are such a comfort to me. Your post is so beautiful! It brought tears to my eyes and gave me such a tender feeling for your sweet David. How faithful he has been! And what a difficult season for you to go through. Our men get so much of their self-esteem from their occupation and their ability to provide for us, that I can imagine how God used this time to draw him close. And it sounds like it has deepened your love for your husband even more. Isn't God amazing, how He takes those things that from the outside look like they might break us to grow us ever closer to the image of Jesus? You are a strong lady, and I have such a respect for you. Thank you for sharing about this difficult time.


Hi Julie,

Glennville is south west of Savannah. We are by Ft. Stewart.

Connie Barris said...

that was the sweetest, most tender, love filled note I have read in a long time. You are a wonderful reminder of how Papa wants us to be towards our choosen beloved.

I have to tell you, it brought tears to my eyes..

What a blessed couple!!

Laura said...

I hope you realize how precious your words are to me! I feel like you are walking beside me through this entire journey. Your voice has stood out and spurred me on. This morning, when I got up, that gorgeous moon was sitting low in the sky above the meadow behind my house. As I drove to work, the blood red sun began to rise over the horizon. I felt so blessed that God gave me two such moments of beauty to begin my day with. As I praised Him, I heard a voice in my head say, "I am becoming the woman that You intended me to be, Lord." In that moment, I felt so transformed! I still have a ways to go, but I'm no longer afraid. Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement.

Merrie said...

What a beautiful post! You are blessed to have such a man and he is blessed to have you! It made me take a look at my man in a much more appreciative way. Thanks!

naomi said...
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naomi said...

Wow, Julie, knowing both of you and what you have gone through makes those words Lifegiving to me! I couldn't help it when tears welled up inside me after reading this. It's so incredibly tender and sweet! It gives me such hope for my future with my husband. I have an honorable ,steady man, too. It so easy to be distracted from seeing it that way. Thanks so much for sharing that!

Fran said...

That is just beautiful Julie. Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing this with us. May God continue to use you and your man to bring honor and glory to His Holy Name.

Hugs and blessings~

Lelia Chealey said...

OH Julie, that is awesome!! Okay, God is really hitting me over the head with messages all directed toward my Gene. I have been really horrible to live with all through his back pain. He is off work and trying to deal with pain,boredom, etc. and I have been plain horrible.
I have read about 3 blogs this morning all with a message about how I am being as a wife. Uggh!! Need to go home & spend some alone time with God.
Thanks friend!

Laura said...

I just wanted to thank you again, Julie, for your precious words of encouragement. You have such a gift for that! I love how your mind immediately finds a parallel in scripture for the different stories you encounter. You are such a blessing, Dear One!

Bev Brandon @ The Fray said...

Out of your hard times came such beauty, such love for your husband and I long for that in our current job situation waiting on God to open something up. It has been two years of silence but He certainly isn't absent. My husband has been steadfast and stable and we continue to wait. Love the ways you honor your husband, honor your God.