Monday, March 10, 2008

Days of Grace

“No longer are there good days and bad days. There are only days of grace. Some days you are given the grace to enjoy what is going on around you and other days you are given the grace to endure.”* The words came out of the speaker’s mouth on the CD I was listening to. How long had I been walking with God, 25 years? I’d even grown up in the church. Never had I heard anyone say anything like that before. Could this be true? No longer good or bad days, only days of grace. Don’t these words give you a totally different picture on the days of your life, including those difficult home school moments?

As a home school parent in my 16th year. I have seen them all. Whether it was…

To read the rest of today’s article please visit me over at Heart of the Matter Online

Thank you so much Heart of the Matter for this blessing.



Anonymous said...

I was so blessed by your article at Heart of the Matter, that I had to visit your personal blog. Your words are such a blessing to this home school mother of 5. We're in the middle of a school day so I've got to run, but I'll be back to read the rest of your blog entires!
So awesome to meet you!


Anonymous said...

(that should read "blog entries" - shouldn't type when I'm in a hurry!)


The Holy Spirit has given Graham Cooke the anointing, blessing, insight, revelation to see what is so plain in the Word and what I've missed all these years... Your blog is a blessing and very encouraging.