Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The two shall become one flesh....

Twenty-five years ago today my father walked me down the aisle and gave me to my husband. You know I was so caught up in the moment that I really didn't notice those things around me. Were there candles? Who was there? All I could see was the gaze of my groom. Was he pleased with what he saw? Did I take his breath away? I was captured in the moment.

As we stood there we made promises to each other. Did we really know what we were promising? You say you will love and honor, but you have no true idea what that looks like. It's what your heart desires to do, but what do you really know about honoring your husband or wife? Caught up in the moment of romance you make the promises. God hears.

Our lives began together 25 years ago today. It has been a ride. Sometimes it felt like the ride had derailed and would not recover. There were times when it has felt like our marriage would crumble. Had we been holding it together it would have.
God heard our promises to each other and began to make them come true.

I had no real clue how to honor my husband. I came to the marriage broken. We all do. It's the result of sin. But God loves fixing broken people. He has been teaching us how to fulfill the promises we made to each other that day. It has not been without bumps and bruises and sometimes bloody wars. But the ashes have turned to beauty. God is making all things new.

Today, as I think back on that day, I realize how much that day represents life with my Jesus. Just as I gave myself to my earthly husband, desiring to be the woman that was meant for Him, I gave myself to my Jesus. Did I take His breath away? I made promises to Him, things I had no real clue of, yet it was what my heart desired. Papa heard the promises and began to take me to fulfillment. As in my relationship with my David, there has been healing and restoration, awakening me to the woman I was always meant to be for him. As Papa has healed and restored me to Him, who I really am is starting to emerge, the bride for His Jesus. I dressed for my groom 25 years ago today, wanting all things to be just perfect for Him. I wanted to capture his eye. So it is with my Jesus. I believe just as I was captured in my David's gaze, Jesus is captured with me too.

Marriage has been a learning curve for me. Jesus has been my teacher. As He has drawn me to Himself, He has changed me.

I had no idea what I was saying that day 25 years ago, really. My heart did the talking. God reads the heart and moves.
He has moved in our lives. We will never be the same. I will never be the same.

When our marriage could have derailed, God kept it strong. Without Him it would have crumbled. Had we tried to hold it together, it would be gone. We have seen Him.

Now 25 years down the road, I have some idea of honor, respect, love..... Beauty is emerging from the ashes......

Isaiah 61:3
and provide for those who grieve in Zion—
to bestow on them a crown of beauty
instead of ashes,
the oil of gladness
instead of mourning,
and a garment of praise
instead of a spirit of despair.
They will be called oaks of righteousness,
a planting of the LORD
for the display of his splendor.

I pray as the beauty comes out of the ashes, our one flesh is an oak of righteousness that displays His splendor.

To God be the Glory!


Kimberly said...

Oh, what a beautiful bride! And what a beautiful woman you are today, Julie! In every way!
I love this post! I am so glad He knows our hearts. I am so glad He heals us. I love being His!
Thank you so much for your wonderful comments at my place. You are such a blessing to me. Like an on-line mentor!!! :)
Love you!

He Knows My Name said...

what a beautiful tribute to our God that he has helped you keep this covenant you made before Him. that is how i feel about our marriage. it will be 30 this may. we had no idea what it was all about. it is only by God's grace that we made it this far and now know that commitment is a choice and the covenant before God is serious and not to be taken lightly. congratulations on your silver anniversary. may the next 25be even sweeter. ~janel

Merrie said...

Congratulations on 25 years! That is truly a milestone and accomplishment in today's world. It is "easier" to walk away than it is to hang in there. But the rewards and joys and pleasure do increase with age - the love deepens and sweetens!

Anonymous said...

I hear of the great things you are doing and it is joy to my ears! Wow the article was fantastic and the kids have grown. I would love to see you some time.

Laura said...

You are so beautiful!! I love the wisdom that I hear in your words. When you look back, can you believe how much you've grown? I really identified with so much of what you said. I heard Beth Moore say one time, that we were created for eternity, and that is why we long for the bodies of our youth. I can't help wishing a little that I knew then what I know now! but then, I suppose, the journey may not be as sweeter. I pray your next 25 are just as blessed!

Anonymous said...


You have beautifully expressed what's true for all of us. There is no way for a young bride to understand the true meaning of the vows made on her wedding day. Your life is an example for many young women to follow. Congratulations for 25 years with your man!

May this milestone be a defining point in your lives together...a season of many New Beginnings!


Bev Brandon @ The Fray said...

What a precious story about your dad on Michelle's blog. And here he's walking you down the aisle a little more free. And here you are today really free. Free to be your beautiful self and let His beauty pour out of you and bless us all. Happy Anniversary! Bev

Gretchen said...


Ummm...first of all, the catty woman in me is trying not to be jealous because you literally! What a beautiful bride and woman today.

More impressive, though, is your spirit in this post. What a lovely tribute to Jesus and to the sacrament of marriage. I love what you say about how your marriage would've crumbled if just the 2 of you were holding it together. Marriage is, admittedly, hard! We need God! This is so true. What an uplifting and praisefilled post. Happy Anniversary.

annette said...

Amen. And to His Glory indeed. Congratulations. I love your posts of encouragement and edification of Him. Many blessings for the next 25. We will celebrate 28 years this August. Oh, I am already celebrating indeed another miracle of God alone! Love, Annette

Connie Barris said...

That is absolutely one of my most favorite verses..
also Shane and Shane have a song Ashes to Beauty... that is awesome..

your picture is just gorgeous btw...

I love your heart for God....

Michelle Bentham Blogspot said...

Amen... Beautifully said Julie, what a testimony of God's grace. He gives grace to the Humble, and you are a picture of that humility. I have great news... email me because you have WON one of the free books. You can check out my blog and find out which one! Thanks for stopping by - I will be back to read more in the days ahead! God Bless!