Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Ache of God

I am reading Lyric's blog, (Chrysallis Song), often and following along as she reads "The Beautiful Ache". The more I read her "blurbs", the more I think I'm going to have to buy that book. The concept is not new to me. I was first introduced to it with the teachings on Captivating by Stasi Eldredge back in 2003.

For many years of my life I didn't know I even had aches. I covered them up with busyness and service. I was a good "Martha". I knew how to work for God. In fact I would say I was the "Queen of Striving". For some unknown reason the message I got through "The Church" through the years was to work harder for God, to do all you can do." I remember the messages that said "If you love God you will put Him first by spending 30 minutes a day in the morning having a quiet time." For many years I lived that out...living in guilt if I missed a day, trying to rationalize with myself when it was an "evening" quiet time instead of the desired morning one. I was the busy, striving, performing Christian woman. I did not ache...there was no time for aching. I didn't even know they were there. But God knew.....

God's isolation is the opposite of our isolation. He pulls us away to be alone with us in order that He might reveal more of who He is. We, on the other hand, isolate to hide who we are. I was never one to isolate. I didn't like being alone with myself. I stayed caught up in serving, unaware of it's isolation. I was not isolated from people, but from from Me being alone with, Me. God called me away to the desert to speak tenderly to me. He knew that I was so far from being in touch with who I was and who He was, that He had to pull me away. He removed all friendships in various ways and it was just me with God. It's love that draws you into the desert, deep, intimate love. He allured me there to speak tenderly to me, to turn my door of Sorrow into a door of hope, to remove the title of Master and replace it with the title of Husband (Hosea 2:14-16)

Alone with my kids, my husband and God, unable to serve in any capacity, I began to come to terms with the lie I was living. I had spent so many years working, trying to earn God's favor when all along He just wanted, Me. I couldn't give Him me because I did not feel like I was enough for Him. I was the older brother in the Prodigal Son story, working out in the fields trying to earn entry into the Father's house, when all along the door was open wide, waiting for me to just walk in and be with the Him. In the desert, He showered His words on me and told me who He was and who I was to Him. Life turned a corner for me. I am not the same.

In the midst of the desert the aches began to rise up within me. For the first time that I can remember my heart was aching with longings and desires that almost took my breath away. Why did it have to hurt so much to awaken desire? What was I supposed to do with them now that they were awakened? As the aches came I began to identify with God's heart at a deeper level. Did He ache for me like I ached for intimate relationship with others? I ached to live in intimacy with friends. I longed for companions who knew my journey as I knew theirs. I still ache for that. Life seems to keep everyone running ragged, living life, doing all the "stuff" with no real time to go to deep places of the heart with others. Where is the time or energy for deep, heart relationships, you know where you really let people know your joys and struggles, where you are hurting.. It makes me ache. Does God ache for me like I ache for deep heart friendships?

Some days the aches are stronger than others. The loneliness I feel, as the longings unloosed in my heart are left unfulfilled, are days that I identify and connect a little deeper with the heartbeat of God inside. I realize just a bit more that this place is not my home and that life is not as He had longed for it to be for me. And in the midst of pain, loneliness, heartache, I am comforted. He knows, He sees, He understands. It's in the aches that I realize that those things I ache for, are the things He longs for too. The aches of God within are a powerful force to be reckoned with, not to run or hide from, No they are there to drive me into His arms where He waits to speak tenderly to me. Where He holds me close and tells me how His heart aches too.

"Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her. Hosea 2:14



Fran said...

This was so very good Julie. I'm going to read all through your blog! Thank you so much for stopping by mine. This blessed me so much.

Have a wonderful evening. Your family is beautiful.

Donnetta said...

Wow! I can so relate to so much you have written here! Fabulous Post!!

I, too, am following Lyric's blog as she shares with us exerpts from "The Beautiful Ache".

Thanks for stopping by My Quiet Corner and commenting to let me know you had been there. Please feel free to stop back by anytime!! :-)

I have enjoyed my time here browsing and will be back!

Amico Dio said...

You have absolutely written my life story! This was good!

"God's isolation is the opposite of our isolation. He pulls us away to be alone with us in order that He might reveal more of who He is. We, on the other hand, isolate to hide who we are."

That was so profound. Thanks so much for sharing your heart!

He Knows My Name said...

thanks julie for stopping by. this world can just keep us numb with bussiness. some good and some not. it's knowing the difference and then keeping it under control is the key. i'm not there yet. i'll stop in again. ~janel

Shonda said...

I saw the comments you left on Bev's blog and it caught my attention. So then, I come over to visit.

As I read this post, I felt like you were writing about me. I felt like you knew what I felt so precisely -- the isolation, not serving, the friends, the Prodigal son, Martha, facing the aches and God's comfort.

I'm glad I found your blog. I've bookmarked it so I'll visit again.

BTW--I also home school. Only 2 boys though.

Blessings in Christ--

Susan said...

Hi Julie! Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your sweet words. How did you find me...do you remember? I just always love to know who else we might read together.

I do not live in Atlanta. We're doing a couple of Andy Stanley bible studies in Sunday school. iMarriage is the latest.

You have a beautiful family. I have caught up on the first page of your blog. I was blessed by your posts about your daughter heading off on a mission trip. Is she going to Australia?

We'll be sending our oldest off to college in the fall. He will be, at most 3 hours away. Might as well be 3 days away as far as I'm concerned. Not looking forward to it and already have had several "ugly cries" over it. The husband and son are trying to talk me out of going with them to drop him off...I told them I earned this! lol.

It is great to meet you Julie and I can't wait to get to know you better!


2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Wow, this is a beautifully vulnerable post. I can relate to the awakenings to sensing the need of something more. Thanks for taking the time visit 2nd cup and commenting. I'm pretty silly there most of the time, but I do have a deeper side. I really enjoy your writing.

Amy L Brooke said...

Very beautiful and touching. Thanks for sharing your life so openly!

Tammy said...

You think you stopped by to enter my little contest...but in truth, you stopped by so that I could visit here for the first time and read this...

I'm in tears...because I can so identify with much of what you've so beautifully written.

I have had some buried hurts that I tried to cover up for years. Now I have had to come face to face with them...and it hurts...yet, I feel God speaking to me with His hope and love through it all...

That verse you quoted from Hosea really touched me.

Thank you for sharing these words so transparently...and for stopping by today so that I could read this.

God bless!

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Julie--you MUST go back and read what I was posting right as I got your comment. Funny!

Merrie said...

Julie, Thank you for stopping by to visit. I see that God is working in us and drawing us. Over and over I hear and see the same thing going on across the states.
I can so relate - I jokingly have said that I am still waiting to see what I will be when I grow up. I have never taken the time to find out WHO I am and what my gifts and callings and purposes are.
Also, because I am a pastor's wife and have moved often and most recently (in June) half way across the US from Georgia to Oklahoma - I am far away from life long friends and extended family.
Well, I did not mean to "blog" as a comment.
Thank you for being real and sharing your life.

jennyhope said...

oh those verses in hosea mean so much to me!! your children are so beautiful!!
I come from a family of five and would love more children but it is so hard for me to carry.
Oh my how I can relate to trying to work and earn with God. I dont think I did that in a conscious way but I was so used to having the bar set so high growing up that I got into that works mode even with God. It is so hard to understand that nothing can separate us from His love like in Romans 8. Anyway...thanks for stopping bye my blog.

Kimberly said...

I can think back on times in my life, times when we moved to a new city or some other life change, and there were no friends to be found. I felt so lonely. I didn't understand why He was letting me hurt. But as I was able to step away and look, I realized He was using that time to draw me closer to Him. I couldn't rely on others, I had to turn to Him.
How sweet those times can actually be, when we realize how perfect His love is, how perfect His plans are for us.
Thank you for sharing your heart so openly!
Love and Blessings,

Jodie | Velour said...

First, thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! I'm always so excited to get comments. ;)

I enjoyed reading your posts here as well. This one is beautiful, it gave me chills reading it because so much of it resonates in my own heart.

I particularly like the "In the midst of the desert..." paragraph. I believe that's what it really means for God to "give us the desires of our hearts". And I can so so relate to feeling like I am not enough, that I have to earn God's favor. It's a hard lie to overcome. But I want to believe that He wants me free from that even more than I want to be free from it. And today, that gives me hope. Hey, He did it for you. :)