Wednesday, January 9, 2008

When God Outruns You

A few years ago my husband was in the midst of a job transition. It was a time where we were learning to trust God in ways we had not been challenged in before. There were so many things coming at us during this time. I found myself wondering and questioning, "what if we miss God's voice." Could we miss Him? We were desperately seeking Him and His plan for our lives. Could we somehow not hear Him when He spoke? Could we end up going the wrong way because we didn't listen?

God decided to give me a picture to hold onto. It was a God sighting that has been seared into the depths of my mind.

My husband and I were sitting at the desk looking at something on the computer when my son came into the hallway and went out the door. My husband immediately called my son's name. He had something he wanted to tell him, but my son didn't hear him. He wasn't listening. David called him again. Again, no respone. This time he got up and walked to the door and called Josiah's name. Once again, Josiah didn't hear him. Finally, my husband walked out the door, and down the driveway after my son, calling his name UNTIL he heard. My son finally heard his dad's voice, and turned to listen. My husband told him what he had to tell him, and returned to his seat at the computer.

In a moment's time God began to speak to me. The conversation went something like this; "Julie, did you see that?" "Did you see how David called out to Josiah, repeatedly?" "Did you see how Josiah wasn't listening?" "Did you see how David did not give up?" "He pursued Josiah UNTIL he heard him?" "Yes, Papa, I saw." "That is how I am with you, Julie." "Don't worry about missing my voice." "I will come after you until you hear me." "Just like David wouldn't let Josiah go on until He told him what he needed to tell him, I won't let you." "Rest in knowing that I will not stop until you hear my voice." "Put that worry aside, dear one." "I will come after you."

I saw God that day in a way that changed me forever.

I hope you see Him too.

"He leads me in paths of righteousness for His own name's sake." Psalm 23:3



Anonymous said...


What a beautiful way God showed you that He would keep coming after you until you heard Him. God is SO faithful!!

Love you!

Cheryl said...

Thanks for stopping by earlier. I enjoyed reading this post. I have a daughter who just turned 10 and am beginning the internal struggle of letting her grow up and wanting to keep her little.
Thanks for sharing and sharing with us!
ps. I grew up in Roswell, lived in Woodstock, so I'm a north Georgia girl.

Kimberly said...

Oh, how I loved this post. My heart is so much to follow Him, but I know I get distracted. I love the reminder that He wants us to know His will. He wants to lead us on paths of righteousness for the sake of His name!
Thank you for sharing what He spoke to you! I love how He speaks to us!
Love and Blessings,