Saturday, January 19, 2008


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God stopped me short in my tracks as I watched my beautiful daughter go through security and out of my sight.
It was the fulfillment of prayers and dreams that her dad and I had had for years. She is my firstborn, four more
follow her. We have always taught our children to love missions. We've been a missions minded family. We always
knew that it was a possibility that our children would live overseas for a period of their lives. I grew up aware of
mission work. I remember when I was a little girl, my parents would have missionaries stay in our home. I can still
remember the words to "Jesus Loves Me" in an Asian language (I remember the song, but can't remember what language). I had such respect for those who would leave all the comforts of home and go out to tell others of His love. Now I am sending
one of my own.

From the time our Hannah was born we have prayed for her to follow God and to discover what He had called her into. It has
been our prayer that she know Him and love Him. In Proverbs it says, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life". God fulfilled a longing and I can't wait to gaze upon that tree of life that emerges.

He heard my cry, He answered my prayers.

God stopped me on Thursday, my heart overflowing with tears of joy and sadness, and He touched ME.

"How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news."



Kellan said...

I am so proud of your sweet Hannah! It is hard to see them go out into the world, but such a proud time as well. Very nice to meet you Julie - hope to see you again real soon. Have a great weekend. Kellan

Leah Adams said...


Thanks for stopping by my blog. Yes, I still live in the No. Ga. mountains. I'd love to correspond with you. Email me at . Hope to hear from you soon.


Trish said...


Hannah is in my prayers. I'll pray for her mom, dad, brothers and sisters, too! ;)


lori said...

You really need to stop in at Heart of the Matter...we NEED the voices of women like you!!

I will pass your name onto Amy and Amy...they are the editors..
Your story about your baby could really touch a lot of us who are giving them wings to are RELEASING her to do His will...
that is just SO beautiful!!


lori said...

Me again...I notice you are in ellijay...acworth here!!!
a fellow georgian!!

Patty said...

Praise God!! I am in awe of God and His faithfulness! I know that God is with Hannah and what a time they will have as she serves His children! I want to thank you for sharing about Hannah, and the encouraging words you wrote to me about my son. I count this as a GodStop. I am glad you visited my blog. I can't wait to see what God is going to do this week!!

Heather C said...

((((((((((Julie))))))))))) How wonderful and difficult at the same time! I'll be praying for Hannah!


marine's words said...

Julie, thanks for stoping by and the beauitful words you left me.
I so admire you with 5 kids you have your hands full!!
I know God will be with your daughter Hannah you have rasie her well' May God give her favor where ever life lead her."

Alana said...

Hi there!

Thanks for stopping by. Yes, I loved idol...especially the first night. I'm not sure I have a favorite yet ;-)

I can't imagine what it is like to let your baby go, but I sure you must be very thankful for her God seeking heart! Awesome.

Your family is beautiful, by the way!

Andrea said...

What a struggle of emotions.
Pride, Fear, Loneliness, Excitement...

Thanks for dropping by my site. I spent some time looking at yours, and I really like it. Your children are beautiful (and -- by the way -- you do NOT look old enough to have teenage children!) and I look forward to coming back to visit.

Prayers for your lovely Hannah...

A Captured Reflection said...

Thank you for visiting Julie! How exciting about your daughter going on her DTS. I did mine in 1986 (when I was young...well just turned 19) and it was hard for my Mum to say goodbye to her only child, but she knew that God was moving and that caused her much happiness. I did an SOIP in 1995 in France and then worked with YWAM on Schools of Intercessory Prayer in Scotland, where I met my hubby who is a I left my UK home in 1998 moved to NZ where I now live and have my family. God bless you all and your family. Is she enjoying Australia?

Melissa Stover said...

best shot monday is hosted by mother may i ( you just post a picture and then go to her blog and link your post in the comments. everyone is welcome.

A Captured Reflection said...

Yes Yes, I am totally familiar with Holmsted Manor - it's where I did my DTS in 1986. Oh many happy (and challenging) and life changing memories! Beautiful location as well. Aaah....

A Captured Reflection said...

It is in the Town of Cuckfield, Haywards Heath - not that far from Gatwick Airport which is Greater London. West Sussex the county it is in should appear on the South West of the Map of England, hope that helps!

Bev Brandon @ The Fray said...

Hey Julie, it's Bev...I have so many questions for you but guess I will have to remain curious cause I'm conversing over here with a computer screen...what a precious post about humble Hannah who is following her beautiful God. Thanks for stopping by. Loved reading your blog!

Unknown said...

Hi Julie!
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I really enjoyed reading through some of your blog posts. I really enjoy your writing style and could feel your heart for your children. I will be back, my oldest child is only 12, but I recognize the fact that time is flying here, I love to glean from those who are a step or two ahead of me on this parenting path!
Have a great Sunday!

Bev Brandon @ The Fray said...

Julie, I wanted to give you the info on SSD and say that it was one of best things I could have gone to because today so many women are trying to make their lives work by being a better wife, better mom, better life...and i think they may be missing some thing in their relationship with their Father. I left a way-too-long comment on my post for you cause I didn't want to put it on yours.

Lisa said...

I'm so glad you stopped by my blog and introduced yourself! I am moved by the fact that you have raised a daughter who is living out the Great Commission full-time! Wow! What could be a better life purpose?

But on the flesh side, as a mom of a little girl myself, I can only imagine what you must be feeling, letting her go. Please know that I have prayed for both of you this afternoon! May God continue to supply the grace and strength for you as you trust Him. (Romans 15:13)

Lisa :)

Rachel said...

Hello Julie. Thank you for visiting my blog today. Really good to hear from you. You will be interested to know that we used to live just 2 miles from Cuckfield and I used to visit people there regularly when I worked as a carer so used to pass the YWAM place often.
West Sussex is a beautiful part of England with very friendly people so I'm sure your daughter will settle quickly and have a fab time with YWAM. Will pray for her and for you. I will put you in my favourites box so I can keep up with you.


Amy L Brooke said...

Hi Julie!

Feedburner and Feedblitz are ways people can sign up to have people subscribe through email. Lysa uses Feedblitz. Since I've subscribed, everytime she posts a new article, I get an email saying that her site has changes so I am prompted to go check it out.

Feedburner is what I use. It actually sends an email daily (if the site has changed) with the acutal post. I like that. Not that Lysa's is bad. But when I am at work, I can't access social networking sites and have to wait unti I get home.

Here is what you do to start with if you are interested in Feedburner. I imagine it works similarly with Feedblitz:
1) Go to my site. (Just trying to attract visitors -- just kidding. But I got it from a friend's site.)
2) Look in the far right column and you will see a way to subscribe. (You can subscribe if you want!)
3) Click the word Feedburner in the box. It will tell you that my site's statistics aren't public. But you should also see a way to make your own account, type in your email address, your blog address and all of that.

Now, I get fuzzy with all the details and may have to play with it again. But, if I remember correcly, you follow the steps and you eventually get html code to paste in a box on your site.

It's good to have both the feedburner site and your site open. Do you know how to add a new box in blogspot?
1) Go to Dashboard
2) Click Templates
3) Click Add Page Element
4) Click HTML/JavaScript

This will open a box so you can past the script in there. Tada!

If you get stuck with the Feedburner code, let me know and I will go back and see if I can figure it out exactly.

Do you know how to make links in your blog? I figured it out yeterday. Maybe there is an easier way, but here is how I did it (the secret code)
1) Type along as you normally would
2) When you get to a section where you want to add the link you type this exactly (including spaces)

So, if you were linking to mine it would look like:

In your blog it would show just "Amy" in bold or underlined but would link to my site if someone clicked on it.

Cool, huh?

If you want to email me directly, my email address is -- put your name in the subject line so I can find it. Everything ends up in junk mail the first time.

Have a great day. Sorry this is so long.

Amy L Brooke said...

Sorry. That didn't work with the link think. It went ahead and made it into a link instead of showing the code. But I could always email the actual code to you!

Amy L Brooke said...

And wouldn't you know it, I didn't do it exactly right in that link because I forgot to put the part of the address. So that looks like a link but it links to nothing. I am such a dork at times. That's what I get for trying to "show off!"

holly said...

Hey Julie,

Thanks for taking a moment to say hi. Your family looks beautiful! I can tell you are so proud, and I am excited for you and your family. It is my dream to have a happy, healty family, too. I guess we are on our way! I'd love to stay in touch! Email me at if you want.
Have a great and blessed day!
Your Siesta,

Sandy said...

Thank you for stopping by Quill Cottage and for your super sweet words of encouragment! God's best and brightest for your day,
Miss Sandy

annette said...

Your daughter represents dreams fulfilled and yet as a mom, there is a sacrifice but such a sweet one unto the Lord. You must be so proud of her to walk in His ways. Your children are all so beautiful--inside and out! Be blessed,annie
Hannah is in my prayers this evening as we release our girls to the Hands of God.

Jeni said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! My thoughts and prayers are with your daughter - I'm impressed by her courage - and yours!