Monday, January 28, 2008

A longing fulfilled

In Proverbs 13:12 it says "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life"

There were times in these last 5 years that I wondered if a longing would ever be fulfilled. I was too acquainted with hope deferred. I knew heartsickness. It seemed like one desire after another was awakened to be left unanswered. It hurt to awaken desire. Sometimes the disappointment was unbearable. In the midst of the struggles, my faith was tested like never before. Doubts that were hiding in my heart rose up to the surface. What did I really believe about God? What did I believe about how God felt towards me? Why did one longing after another go unfulfilled? Was it possible that a tree of life would ever emerge in my life? Was God holding out on me? I thought He wanted to give me the desires of my heart.

There were times I felt like I was fighting for my life, not in the physical, but in the spiritual. I came so close to giving up. Prayer after prayer left unanswered, or on hold, the ground was shaky. Would my faith hold strong? How do you continue to pray when it feels like you call God up, He has caller ID, He sees it's you and doesn't answer? How do you pick up the phone and call again? And what do you do with the verses that say things like "God delights in giving good gifts to His children"?
Why was I asking for these good, godly things that I my heart ached for to have Him say no? Did that mean I wasn't His daughter?

Somehow in the middle of the battles I found that mustard seed of faith to hang on and believe He was good, even when I could not see.

He came for me. He rescued me out. He spoke tenderly to me of His faithfulness. He asked me to wait, to trust Him, to find Him to be enough. It was about my heart. It was about Him.

Could I trust Him, even when longings were left unfulfilled? Could I still find Him good?

As I look back now, I am grateful that He waited. As hard as it was to be in that suspended place, as painful as the heartsickness was, I am glad He waited. I see so clearly now. Had He given those things I longed for at the time I had asked, it would have cost me, greatly. You see so much of my value was tied up into having those desires met. They weren't bad desires. They were good and godly. It wasn't the desires that were bad, but the motives behind seeking them. They would have become a crutch to me, giving me value, dependency, security and fulfillment.

He knew that. He couldn't give them to me. He loved me too much. He wanted me to take refuge in Him. He wanted to give me value. He wanted to weed out anything that I would depend on. He wanted me to be able to enjoy them, not need them. There is a difference.

I should not need anything but Him. He should be enough.

A much awaited longing was given to me today. It is so much richer, now. Because of the "not yet, I no longer need them to give me value. It is now, it can be a tree of life. So this is what that verse was talking about. How sweet is His love for me. Another sighting of God for my heart. How it must have hurt Him to watch me hurt, and doubt Him. All the while He was protecting me when I thought He had forgotten me. Oh, Papa, forgive me. I see now. It was love that made you wait. You never forgot me. You were protecting me. Thank you Papa, that you waited. Thank you for your great love.

Oh the riches of His great love

Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

Be blessed,


Merrie said...

Praise the Lord for HIS faithfulness! Glory for His answers and fulfilling the desires of your heart. It gives me hope and confidence that He is still working! He is still meeting those desires.
Thank you for sharing!

Donnetta said...

This was wonderfully done. Rejoicing that today was the day God had planned to meet a desire of your heart!! Rest in His delight...

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

Julie...I love this post. I am so thankful that you're able to see some desires fulfilled! I know a little bit about hope deferred and that makes me even happier for you!

I'm working on the question you asked me in my Your Turn post. I hope to post my response soon!

Becky said...

I have read your blog, and your comments on mine. You are thought provoking and I thank you for your comments. As for John Ortberg, I haven't read him yet, but I have one of his books to add to my list. Someone you need to get ahold of to read is Ray Pritchard. He's worth your time.

Fran said...

Have you done Beth Moore's Wising Up series?? She does a wonderful teaching on the hope deferred heart! We can get so tired of the longing and the waiting. Its so worth it though....for 100 reasons.

I'm so glad you have remained faithful and held onto whatever you could. He will come through for us in some way or another....especially when it comes to matters of Him.

I love ya! Have a great day.

Mary Lou said...

Julie, alot of what you wrote mirrors my life at the moment. This hope deferred in my heart has been going on for two years now...He spoke to me this morning and told me that I am to rest in Him and not my circumstances. I am to neither live above or below them, but to live in Him. I've been trying to do that. perhaps, I've been striving,when I thought I was resting. Your words pierced my heart and I could feel your pain. He does have healing ahead for both of us and I am so grateful to Him that He is meeting you now and that yours has started. I believe that mine may have too. Thank you for your wonderful post and for being so open.

Connie Barris said...

I love that song.. Thank God for unanswered prayers...

Yes, and when we come to a place where we can say, "Not my will but Your will be done"... that is the greatest place of rest...

even when my dad was dying, I could say that and it was total peace....

Thank you my dear for your prayers...they were felt...

much love

Shonda said...

Praise the Lord! He knows the right timing. Motives--that's a big one for me. What are my motives behind this desire I have? God knows my heart. He knows I need it purified. He love me, you and all of us. In His love He knows what is best.

Blessings in Christ--

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

This was good to read. When we read others' testimonials about God's faithfulness, it inspires us to be more patient, more trusting. We serve a good God!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Hi, Julie, thank you for stopping by. You are not far from my old hometown, Marietta. I've been through Ellijay many, many times going up to my parent's mountain house.

You have a great looking family. So nice to meet a fellow Christian wife and I hope you'll come back & visit me often. I try to visit people as much as I can, but honestly it's overwhelming trying to do that much of the time. There are SO many on my blogroll.

I can see you are a very good writer!


Anonymous said...


Your words are a BEAUTIFUL testimony of God's goodness. He truly does give us the desires of our hearts!

Love you,

Sandy said...

Hello Julie. Thank you for visiting me today and yes! my heart resonates with this post. Very much so. Thank you for sharing from your heart - and again for visiting my site. Please come back!

A Captured Reflection said...

Thanks for your sweet comments. Oh my, do they still have the 3 bunk bed deep beds? In Room 46 where I was there were 9 beds - 3 sets of 3 deep bunk beds. I was on the top near the window! In room 44 the bunk beds were doubles. I wonder then if your daughter is in Room 46?

Anonymous said...

Julie, that was beautiful. I love you, Mom

Linseed said...

i left a comment on your "she's off" post - i should say, I'm a friend of Karen, still in YWAM, and yes I have visited Holmsted, but am in Scotland..


ocean mommy said...


This was just beautiful Thanks for sharing.

Also, thanks for your comment on my blog earlier today. It's nice to "meet" you!


Anonymous said...

Julie - Thanks for visiting my blog and entering my drawing.

We live in Cumming. We were in Blue Ridge just a couple of days ago visiting my cousin. Ellijay looks like a really nice place. I'm going to come up there to the Apple Festival sometime.

Jessica said...

Hello there! It was so nice of you to leave such a sweet comment! You have a beautifl family. Your girls are so pretty! : ) My husband is the youngest of six, and he loves having his brothers and sisters so close in age! What a blessed family you have! : )

Jenni S. said...

Thank you so much for visiting my blog, Julie. I absolutely *LOVED* this post! I know a little bit about hope deferred and your post gave me much to chew on and hope for my own situations. Thank you for sharing your heart!

andrea_jennine said...

Apologies for the random comment on a lovely post - but I answered your question about the soup recipe over on my blog!

andrea_jennine said...

Here's the link, as requested!

Justabeachkat said...

Hi Julie

Thanks for stopping by my blog for a visit. I hope you'll come're always welcome.

I've sure enjoyed my visit here. So many great posts! You are blessed with a beautiful family too.


( your cute haircut!)

Linda said...

What a wonderful post. I can most certainly relate. God is good all the time though even when we don't understand. I did enjoy the movie 27 dresses. I would say it would be a good one to go to with one of your older daughters.

Angi said...

God's timing never ceases to amaze me! He is just so PERFECT! Great post.
You are the winner of the drawing for the book "Kingdom's Dawn" by Chuck Black at our blog
Please email me at
connievail at hotmail dot com with the address you'd like me to mail it to. Congrats and thanks for visiting our blog!

Patty said...

Praise God for His faithfulness. He has such great compassion for His children! What a great post and thank you for sharing!

Linseed said...

Hi Julie

Its Lynne back again, and I'm from Birmingham, England. Yes Scotland is beautiful, but not today with the driving rain, hail and snow and the wind making all the windows rattle! But we are at a beautiful base, five minutes walk to the sea, and oh so lovely when the sun shines! My job is doing the accounts for YWAM in Scotland.

Have a blessed day!


Kimberly said...

I posted about you and other bloggy ladies who bless me today. It is nothing you have to pass on. I honeslty just want my friends to know about your place! You are a blessing!

Kimberly said...

tee hee...ummmm...that would be "honestly" not "honeslty"! :)

She Rose Up said...

What a lovely, lovely post! Love the scriptures, just used them myself at the beginning of the week! So glad to know you have indeed received the desires of your heart!

Love the message of Him being sufficient, when He is our motive...well, as the A-Team use to say, I love it when a plan comes together! ;D

God bless you!

Bev Brandon @ The Fray said...

You have not broken the Guinness or however that is spelled record cause it is taken by me...
You can leave long long long comments on my blog anyday...
truth truth truth
Loved when you said that you would be the best dead person...amazing...and I am so laughing hard.
This was beautiful.
Loved your...Enough
Love your childlike faith.
Love you!

A Captured Reflection said...

Thanks for popping by again Julie. Yes I will pray for your upcoming teachings. I've never been to India, haven't had that call. When I did my DTS (back in the old days) there was only one outreach for all of us, we went to Spain. When my husband did his in 1997 there were 3 options (from memory) and they would meet, pray, talk with group leaders and see who felt, who should go where. To encourage you my friend Lynne of Linseed has led many teams to India with YWAM specifically on DTS's so I just know she would be a real help on information in the country, spiritual stuff too. Here is her blog

Kimberly said...

Thank you so much for your comment! You bless me with your wisdom! I value you sharing what you have learned in raising your family! I do need to be reminded of all of the things you told me! Thank you!
Lots of love,

Linseed said...

Hi Julie!

Lynne back again, and yes I have led teams & been to India with DTS teams on 4 occasions. I have always been with YWAM Scotland, but Holmstead wil not be far different. Usually what happens is this. The leaders pray and decide on what outreach options there should be, maybe 3 or 4. Then they tell the students what the options are, they pray and give their choices of outreach to their leaders in order, and saying why. Then they all pray again and all the teams are decided. Its very unusual now to send a whole DTS to India, though I'm not saying it won't happen. Just transport-wise India lends itself better to a team of 6-9 at most. Holmstead has a long history of sending teams to India, so they will have staff who are experienced in this.

You can contact me directly by my "real" website www(dot)ywamconnect(dot)com/sites/lynnebailey and on the "feedback" option you can send me a direct email and I am happy to answer any questions you like!

I would be interested to know where exactly in India they would go, I have been to a few cities, but mainly in the middle and south.



2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Bless your heart for the "falling legs" comment today on my "Old Happens" post. You are dead-on. And, I hope I'm as pretty as you at 50 for sure!