We ended up leaving town last night after a quick dinner. As the snow came down and started blanketing the roads we figured we'd better pack up and head south to make sure we could get Hannah to the airport on time. After all, the weathermen were saying the temperatures were only going to drop. So at 9:00 we headed south to stay in a hotel. Funny, the weathermen were right about the snow, wrong about the dropping temperatures. The streets here at home were clear by morning. Go figure. It was kinda fun to have that last adventure before she left. Being a large family it's not often that we have had the luxury of staying in hotels. Seeing as we have to book 2 rooms just to hold us. It was fun calling my mom on the cell phone, getting her to log onto Hotwire to find us a good hotel for cheap rates,then showing up, unloading, and gathering in a room together. We got to read one more chapter of "The Shack" as a family before Hannah left town. It was nice to just relax and enjoy the last few hours with her.
At 3:30 she went through security and we headed home. As the tears poured out of my eyes, I couldn't be more thankful. What a beautiful testimony of God to see the road that God had taken her on. I remember her senior year (2005) when she talked of going on a DTS. It was to be Australia. At that point in her life she was pretty distracted by a relationship she was in. Though David and I encouraged her to follow this call on her heart, she lost sight of it. We left it with God. Two years later, God brought her back around to it.
When she first started considering it again she wasn't sure how she would get there. She couldn't fathom being able to raise that much money. Living in Atlanta on an income that barely covered her bills, she knew she couldn't make it happen. So we began to pray. And God raised up people who wanted to send her..... It was amazing to watch as it all unfolded. It gave me a new picture of God's pursuit of our hearts and how He relentlessly goes after us until we hear His whispers, and then He takes us into those places that He had set aside for us to go. Not only does He take us in, but He raises up all that will be needed to cover us.
David and I couldn't be happier for Hannah. We KNOW in our hearts that this is where He has wanted her to go. We encouraged her in 2005 to go. God had to get her there. She had to fall down and let Him pick her back up. Even though you KNOW it is right and good, the emotions are still there.
As I write this the tears are pouring down my face. They are tears of rejoicing mixed with tears of letting go. For those of you who have not had children leave it will be hard to fully understand. One day you will know. For those who have let a child go far away enough to not be able to see them quickly, well, you know. Your head knows, your heart knows this is right and good, the way it was always meant to be... but your emotions, well they're another story.
I feel the loss of one that has been so close moving on so far away. The time has come for my "little chick" to fly. Though she has moved out twice and moved back twice, this is different. I can't just pick up the phone and call her. She won't be an hour's drive away. I won't see her (except through my webcam...Thank God for technology) for 5 months. In that 5 month period her heart will be changed, her life will be changed. She will find her life in ways that I have longed for her to find it. And I won't be there to watch..... You mothers understand, I know you do.
The tears have been flowing all afternoon. Thank God I was able to hold the "ugly cry" until after I got in the car. She saw the tears rolling down my face as I hugged her goodbye and told her how proud I was of her for following, God and for following her heart.
She's in the air as I write this....the tears are still flowing. Bitter/sweet tears as I learn to let go once again, trusting her into the hands of the One who loves her perfectly.
You love them, you nurture them, you teach them and then you let them go. It is as it should be. I'm glad the tears are flowing...it let's me know I'm alive! : )
"Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy." Psalm 126:5
I have not had to release any kiddos out of our home yet but I can only imagine what a bittersweet time this is for you. As the Lord leads I will pray for your precious gift from the Father, Hannah.
Oh, how my heart goes out to you. I have small kiddos and your story makes me (again) realize how short of a time I have to pour as much of God as I can into their lives. Thank you and I'll be praying for you and Hannah!
Letting go is so hard--it will be know as my kids get older!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. The CWO team blog can be found at
CWO has a team of women who share daily devotional thoughts. Come check it out!
This is my first visit here and what a first visit it's been....I am inspired and reminded that what we are doing is preparing them to FLY....
wow...what a beautiful family you have in pictures, I imagine in real life they are even more beautiful....
what a gift it is to have a mom who will let go and PRAY....
peace and blessings...
i'll be back!!
What a wonderful story, and what a blessing your daughter must be to you. My daughter is only 2, so I still have a ways to go before I have to let her go. Tears filled my eyes as I was reading. BTW, thank you so much for stopping by Teen Lit Review. We appreciated your encouraging comment.
HI Julie!
It is so nice to meet you!!!! Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog! I am so glad you found me and now I have found you! You have such a beautiful family and heart for GOD!!
I will lift your Hannah up to our Father in prayer daily! What an extraordinary young woman following GOD! That sure says volumes about her Mom and Dad!! Way to go.... to both of you!
WE are off to b-day party now...but I'll be back to read you blog later on! I am so happy to meet new people.
Sweet Blessing to you!!!
P.S. Oh, we are located in upper East Tn (Bristol Kingsport Johnson City area)
Thanks so much for coming by my blog! I am so new to all of this as well.
You have such a beautiful family! I will be praying for Hannah and for you. My oldest is only 6. I need to start praying now to prepare my heart for the day my girls leave home!!! I should also probably go ahead and buy stock in Kleenex!
Love and Blessings from South Carolina,
Hey Julie! I found your comment tonight on my blog. I, too, am somewhat new to the blogging world. I still feel like some of our fellow bloggers are old hands but it gets easier as time goes on. I've only been tagged one time but yesterday Deborah at thebunniesbungalow.blogspot.com left a tag for whomever wanted to respond. I went for it because I love finding out about folks. Consider yourself tagged by me! Go look on my blog for the rules and questions and go for it. Any questions just e-mail me at jdy277@aol.com.
I won't comment here on how your blog has affected me tonight. My heart is heavy with a problem my sweet daughter and her family are experiencing. Please pray that God's will be done in their lives as I'm so broken at this point.
If you will e-mail me I'll share more.
Keep obeying God and keep posting your uplifting messages.
This brought tears to my eyes, Julie. Thank you for sharing this bittersweet journey with us. I am praying for your daughter to have a joyous and wonderful experience!
Well, Julie, I have let go three times...with raging rivers of tears, right alongside a deep abiding knowledge that Emmanuel would be with them and with me...
You don't wake up "fine". Some days are harder than others. But with each step you are a witness to the faithfulness of God as He forms and molds their lives.
You'll be in my prayers.
What a touching post. I will be letting my son go soon and it does bring tears thinking about it and time flies by so fast when you have children.
Thank you for visiting my blog and I can't wait to read your GodStop.
Okay, I am not very smart on here either but I will try and explain how to do this. :o) Let me know if I was confusing. LOL.
1. Grab or Copy the GodStop button code in my sidebar. You have to click on it a few times for it to highlight, (right click) and copy it.
2. Come here and write your GodStop and then at the top of the post right click and hit paste and the code should copy into your post.
3. Come back to my blog and sign the Mr. Linky at the end of my post. You type in your name and type in your blog address but always start with http:// and then your address. and that way your name will come up and everyone can click on it and it brings us to your blog.
If you have any trouble email me and I will help you!
I'm crying with you! But thanks for making me laugh at your mention of the "ugly cry". I'm very familiar with that. Am praying for you and your family, and for Hannah!
Thanks for the lovely comment!
Yes, we probably could be friends. That would be great. No one can have too many of those.
Have you ever thought of adding a way of subscribing to your site. I use Feedburner. I clicked on it on another's site and was able to figure out how to add it to mine. That way it emails me when they have posted something new. Lysa uses Feedblitz. It just lets me know that her site has changed. It doesnt email me the whole thing.
Just a thought.
Have a great Sunday.
My daughter came home from Thailand at Christmas and was at home for about 10 1/2 days and with friends the other 4. When I had to say goodbye and put her back on the plane, I couldn't hold the "ugly cry" in AT ALL. Usually I can, but not this time. She's in good health---she had a motorcycle accident over there...and she was diagnosed with pre-cancer cells over there but they got it! Five scares total half way around the world. We have a choice to live openhanded or tight fists. Love your open hands, childlike faith, humble heart before your good God.
Thanks for your sweet comment. Oh, my how my eyes filled reading this. I can't even imagine. Mine are still so young. But I can tell you this. Your children are all absolutely beautiful. And the glow - must be Jesus within. What a good mother you must be.
hope she has a wonderful time! we have a lot of american girls on our dts here in scotland - and we love all of them!
Lynne (seamill, scotland base)
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